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Project Diana

Project Diana is a comprehensive and authoritative online human rights database. This database contains an extensive collection of human rights materials, which pertain to women’s human rights, international human rights, and many others.

Conception and Historical Background

Project Diana was the brainchild of Diana Vincent-Daviss, who was the first woman head of the Yale School of Law and the New York University School. Her main area of work was in international human rights and the safeguarding of library materials. Some of her important works included the human rights law research guide, which was published by the New York University Journal of International Law and Politics. Before she passed away, she was the director of one of the centers at the Yale Law School. Thus, the school decided to name the online database Project Diana, as a way to honor her tremendous contributions.

The Project Diana database contains the Diana homepage, which is hosted by the University of Cincinnati College of Law, in particular the Robert S. Marx Law Library. The database is linked to a few other sites, which include the University of Toronto’s Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Minnesota Human Rights Library, and the Yale Law School Library.

 The Contents of Project Diana and Why it is Used

Law students and other parties use Project Diana as a reference to cases pertaining to human rights and other relevant interests. As earlier mentioned, Project Diana was the idea of Diana Vincent-Daviss, but the whole venture was the collective responsibility of a consortium of human rights centers and law librarians, among other non-governmental organizations. This ensures that the database stays up-to-date and contains well-researched and tangible information related to human rights.

The Project Diana database is rich in content, and it is recommended that any law student, especially those with an inclination to human rights law use the database for reference. The Yale Law School maintains the database, but there are several links to other universities. The University of Toronto focuses on women’s human rights while the Yale Law School focuses on legal briefs and organizational charters. The University of Cincinnati manages the African Union and United Nations materials, and the Minnesota University library has a comprehensive collection of human rights materials and links. 


  • The Social Report: A social science report that includes links to the Project Diana database.

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