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Criminal Law Links

Criminal Law is a complicated thing. The law seems to be an almost living entity that is ever evolving to cope with the changing world. It is up to those who live and work within the criminal court system to protect and uphold the nation’s criminal laws. To do this, they have to know the law inside and out. Here is a collection of authoritative links to sites with information about different aspects of law, as well as information about recent Supreme Court rulings.

Criminal Law

Constitutional Law

Recent Orders of the Supreme Court

  • Orders and Journal: A listing of all recent Supreme Court judgments from the previous years.
  • Orders and Opinions: An archive of Texas Supreme Court orders made in the previous few months.
  • Rules of the Supreme Court: Discusses in detail the Supreme Court’s recent rulings and how each one affected current laws in the United States.
  • New Jersey Rulings: An archive of all recent New Jersey Supreme Court rulings, as well as their effects on past and current laws.
  • Maine Supreme Court Decisions: State website for Maine’s Supreme Court with an archive of all of that court’s most recent decisions, as well as links to some pending cases.
  • Alaska Supreme Court Orders: Archive of Alaska’s most recent Supreme Court Rulings in the form of .pdf documents.
  • Recent Rules Orders: An archive of West Virginia’s recent Supreme Court rulings.
  • Minnesota Rulings: Discusses Minnesota’s most recent rulings.

("Legal information found on this page does not constitute legal advice.")

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The Majlessi Law Firm is a distinguished and highly-ranked personal injury and wrongful death legal practice. The firm utilizes assertive litigation strategies to uphold consumer rights against corporations responsible for producing hazardous products that lead to injuries or fatalities, as well as individuals whose negligent or deliberate actions cause harm.

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(310) 724-6222