Breaking the cycle: Uniting for a future free of prejudice, poverty, and police misconduct

Police misconduct and reckless use of firearms can lead to the tragic loss of innocent lives. In the context of police misconduct, wrongful death occurs when an officer discharges their weapon unlawfully or negligently, resulting in the fatality of an individual. This typically involves an officer intentionally but unreasonably using their gun, often driven by a subjective fear for their own safety or the safety of others, rather than an objective assessment of the situation.

A critical question in these cases is whether a less lethal force could have been employed to apprehend the perpetrator, or if the use of a firearm was legally justified. The repercussions of police misconduct extend far beyond the affected individuals, as it can have a significant impact on society as a whole. Not only do the victims' families endure indescribable grief, but taxpayers also bear the financial burden of compensating them through settlements or jury awards.

With the widespread availability of recording devices, instances of police brutality have come under increased public scrutiny. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, police officers do not carry firearms. This approach is facilitated by the fact that the sale of guns to the public is illegal in the UK, making it highly unlikely that an officer will encounter an armed individual.

Conversely, in the United States, the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. As a result, neither banning the sale of firearms nor preventing officers from carrying them is a viable solution. Instead, a comprehensive approach that includes robust training, accountability, and oversight is necessary to address the issue of police misconduct and its potential to cause wrongful deaths.

A pertinent issue in public discourse is the use of racial profiling by law enforcement officers. It is argued that racial profiling inevitably occurs in policing, regardless of the level of training and supervision provided. Consequently, officers are more likely to employ their firearms during pursuits or traffic stops when they rely on racial profiling to assess situations. Reports suggest that minority communities bear the brunt of police misconduct, including the misuse of firearms.

Some contend that the higher likelihood of police misconduct targeting minorities is not due to racial profiling but rather because crime is more prevalent in impoverished communities, which often have a higher police presence. This argument is based on the assumption that minorities predominantly reside in poverty-stricken areas.

So, what is the solution? Many propose that government and private sector leaders should work towards eradicating poverty in affected communities. The rationale is that crime rates tend to be higher in impoverished areas, and by alleviating poverty, crime rates – and, in turn, police profiling – would decrease. However, eliminating poverty has been a long-standing goal for societies worldwide. Notably, Scandinavian countries with socialist policies have arguably been the most successful in this regard. They impose heavy taxes to support the less fortunate, an approach that is often frowned upon in the United States – not for helping the less fortunate, but for the "heavy taxes."

An extraterrestrial visitor might conclude that societies on Earth, including the United States, are segregated into "haves" and "have-nots," with the primary purpose of the law being to protect the "haves" from the "have-nots." While this may be a cynical and simplistic view, it offers a thought-provoking perspective. People are not born with equal opportunities, and some possess immutable physical characteristics that subject them to prejudice from the less educated (in terms of understanding, rather than formal schooling).

Although all people are created equal and should be treated as such, the application of this principle often falters. The struggle for equality will persist until humans understand that they should cooperate and help the less fortunate among them, rather than perpetuating prejudice. Until that day arrives, the legal remedy for police misconduct involves wrongful death litigation. By suing the responsible individuals or entities for monetary damages, the aim is to provide some relief for the victims' families and deter police officers from committing similar offenses in the future.